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The Gambler by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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had 120 roubles of mine in his keeping.

"Let us calculate," he went on. "We must translate these
roubles into thalers. Here--take 100 thalers, as a round sum. The
rest will be safe in my hands."

In silence I took the money.

"You must not be offended at what I say," he continued. "You
are too touchy about these things. What I have said I have said
merely as a warning. To do so is no more than my right."

When returning home with the children before luncheon, I met a
cavalcade of our party riding to view some ruins. Two splendid
carriages, magnificently horsed, with Mlle. Blanche, Maria
Philipovna, and Polina Alexandrovna in one of them, and the
Frenchman, the Englishman, and the General in attendance on
horseback! The passers-by stopped to stare at them, for the
effect was splendid--the General could not have improved upon it.
I calculated that, with the 4000 francs which I had brought with
me, added to what my patrons seemed already to have acquired,
the party must be in possession of at least 7000 or 8000
francs--though that would be none too much for Mlle. Blanche,
who, with her mother and the Frenchman, was also lodging in our
hotel. The latter gentleman was called by the lacqueys
"Monsieur le Comte," and Mlle. Blanche's mother was dubbed
"Madame la Comtesse." Perhaps in very truth they WERE "Comte et

I knew that "Monsieur le Comte" would take no notice of me
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