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The Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare
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The Winters Tale

Actus Primus. Scoena Prima.

Enter Camillo and Archidamus.

Arch. If you shall chance (Camillo) to visit Bohemia, on
the like occasion whereon my seruices are now
on-foot, you shall see (as I haue said) great difference
betwixt our Bohemia, and your Sicilia

Cam. I thinke, this comming Summer, the King of
Sicilia meanes to pay Bohemia the Visitation, which hee
iustly owes him

Arch. Wherein our Entertainment shall shame vs: we
will be iustified in our Loues: for indeed-
Cam. 'Beseech you-
Arch. Verely I speake it in the freedome of my knowledge:
we cannot with such magnificence- in so rare-
I know not what to say- Wee will giue you sleepie
Drinkes, that your Sences (vn-intelligent of our insufficience)
may, though they cannot prayse vs, as little accuse

Cam. You pay a great deale to deare, for what's giuen

Arch. 'Beleeue me, I speake as my vnderstanding instructs
me, and as mine honestie puts it to vtterance
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