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Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair by William Morris
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So wore the days till she went with child and was near her
time, and then it betid that three kings who marched on
Oakenrealm banded them together against him, and his lords
and thanes cried out on him to lead them to battle, and it
behoved him to do as they would.

So he sent out the tokens and bade an hosting at his chief
city, and when all was ready he said farewell to his wife
and her babe unborn, and went his ways to battle once more:
but fierce was his heart against the foemen, that they had
dragged him away from his love and his joy.

Even amidst of his land he joined battle with the host of
the ravagers, and the tale of them is short to tell, for
they were as the wheat before the hook. But as he followed
up the chase, a mere thrall of the fleers turned on him and
cast his spear, and it reached him whereas his hawberk was
broken, and stood deep in, so that he fell to earth
unmighty: and when his lords and chieftains drew about him,
and cunning men strove to heal him, it was of no avail, and
he knew that his soul was departing. Then he sent for a
priest, and for the Marshal of the host, who was a great
lord, and the son of his father's brother, and in few words
bade him look to the babe whom his wife bore about, and if
it were a man, to cherish him and do him to learn all that a
king ought to know; and if it were a maiden, that he should
look to her wedding well and worthily: and he let swear him
on his sword, on the edges and the hilts, that he would do
even so, and be true unto his child if child there were:
and he bade him have rule, if so be the lords would, and all
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