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Up from Slavery: an autobiography by Booker T. Washington
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Up From Slavery: An Autobiography

by Booker T. Washington

This volume is dedicated to my Wife
Margaret James Washington
And to my Brother John H. Washington
Whose patience, fidelity, and hard work have gone far to make the
work at Tuskegee successful.


This volume is the outgrowth of a series of articles, dealing
with incidents in my life, which were published consecutively in
the Outlook. While they were appearing in that magazine I was
constantly surprised at the number of requests which came to me
from all parts of the country, asking that the articles be
permanently preserved in book form. I am most grateful to the
Outlook for permission to gratify these requests.

I have tried to tell a simple, straightforward story, with no
attempt at embellishment. My regret is that what I have attempted
to do has been done so imperfectly. The greater part of my time
and strength is required for the executive work connected with
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