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Mary-'Gusta by Joseph Crosby Lincoln
page 3 of 462 (00%)
years altogether and, during the last three, had taken absolutely
no part in town affairs--political, religious or social. However,
"influential" is a good word and usual in obituaries, so Bethuel let it
stand. He continued:

"Captain Hall's sudden death--"

Erasure of "death" and substitution of "demise."


"--Was a shock to the community at large. It happened on account of--"
More erasures and substitutions. "--It was the result of his taking cold
owing to exposure during the heavy southeast rains of week before last
which developed into pneumonia. He grew rapidly worse and passed away at
3.06 P.M. on Tuesday, leaving a vacancy in our midst which will be hard
to fill, if at all. Although Captain Hall had resided in Ostable but a
comparatively short period, he was well-known and respected, both as a
man and--"

Here, invention failing, Mr. Sparrow called for assistance.

"Hey, Perce," he hailed, addressing his companion, Mr. Percy Clark, who
was busy setting type: "What's a good word to use here? I say Marcellus
was respected both as a man--and somethin' else."

"Hey?" queried Percy, absently, scanning the eight point case. "What
d'ye say?"

"I asked you what would be a good thing to go with 'man'?"
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