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Mary-'Gusta by Joseph Crosby Lincoln
page 5 of 462 (01%)
Elnathan Phinney on Phinney's Hill, where he lived until his lamented
demise. Mrs. Hall passed away in 1896. The sudden removal of Captain
Hall from our midst leaves a stepdaughter, Mary Augusta Lathrop, aged
seven. The--"

Here Mr. Sparrow's train of thought collided with the obstruction which
was derailing many similar trains in Ostable and South Harniss.

"I say, Perce," he observed "what's goin' to become of that kid of
Marcellus's--his wife's, I mean? Marcellus didn't have any relations, as
far as anybody knows, and neither did his wife. Who's goin' to take care
of Mary-'Gusta?"

Percy shook his head. "Don't know," he answered. "That's what all hands
are askin'. I presume likely she'll be looked after. Marcellus left
plenty of money, didn't he? And kids with money can generally find

"Yup, I guess that's so. Still, whoever gets her will have their hands
full. She's the most old-fashioned, queerest young-one ever I saw."

So much for Mr. Sparrow and his fellow laborer for the Enterprise. Now
to listen for a moment to Judge Baxter, who led the legal profession
of Ostable; and to Mrs. Baxter who, so common report affirmed, led the
Judge. The pair were upstairs in the Baxter house, dressing for the

"Daniel," declared Mrs. Baxter, "it's the queerest thing I ever heard
of. You say they don't know--either of them--and the child herself
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