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Experiences of a Bandmaster by John Philip Sousa
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By John Philip Sousa

During eighteen years spent in playing music for the masses, twelve
years in the service of the United States and six in that of the
general public, many curious and interesting incidents have come
under my observation.

While conductor of the Marine Band, which plays at all the state
functions given by the President at the Executive Mansion, I saw
much of the social life of the White House and was brought into
more or less direct contact with all the executives under whom I
had the honor of successively serving--Presidents Hayes, Garfield,
Arthur, Cleveland and Harrison.

They were all very appreciative of music, and in this respect were
quite unlike General Grant, of whom it is said that he knew only
two tunes, one of which was "Yankee Doodle" and the other wasn't!

The President's Embarrassing Demand.

I think I may say that more than one President, relieved from the
onerous duties of a great reception, has found rest by sitting
quietly in the corner of a convenient room and listening to the

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