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Questionable Amusements and Worthy Substitutes by J. M. Judy
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Questionable Amusements and Worthy Substitutes.

J. M. Judy

Introduction by George H. Trever, Ph.D., D.D. The manuscript of
This book was not submitted to any publisher, but was put in its
present form by JENNINGS & PYE, for a friend of the author.
Address. Chicago: Western Methodist Book Concern, 1904.


Author of Comparative Theology, etc.

A BOOK on "Questionable Amusements and Worthy Substitutes"
is timely to-day. Such a grouping of subject matter is in itself a
commendation. Possibly we have been saying "Don't" quite enough
without offering the positive substitute. The "expulsive power of a
new affection" is, after all, the mightiest agency in reform. "Thou
shalt not" is quite easy to say; but though the house be emptied, swept,
and garnished, unless pure angels hasten to occupy the vacated
chambers, other spirits worse than the first will soon rush in to befoul
them again.
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