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Beasts and Super-Beasts by Saki
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"The Open Window," "The Schartz-Metterklume Method," and "Clovis on
Parental Responsibilities," originally appeared in the _Westminster
Gazette_, "The Elk" in the _Bystander_, and the remaining stories in the
_Morning Post_. To the Editors of these papers I am indebted for their
courtesy in allowing me to reprint them.

H. H. M.


Leonard Bilsiter was one of those people who have failed to find this
world attractive or interesting, and who have sought compensation in an
"unseen world" of their own experience or imagination--or invention.
Children do that sort of thing successfully, but children are content to
convince themselves, and do not vulgarise their beliefs by trying to
convince other people. Leonard Bilsiter's beliefs were for "the few,"
that is to say, anyone who would listen to him.

His dabblings in the unseen might not have carried him beyond the
customary platitudes of the drawing-room visionary if accident had not
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