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Trinity Site: 1945-1995. a National Historic Landmark, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico by White Sands Missile Range Public Affairs Office;United States. Dept. of the Army
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Trinity Site: 1945-1995.
A National Historic Landmark
White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico


Radiation at Trinity Site.
How to Get to Trinity Site.
Trinity Site National Historic Landmark.
The Manhattan Project.
The Theory.
Building a test site.
Bomb Assembly.
The test.
After the explosion.
It's the Schmidt house.
White Sands Missile Range.
Reading List.

"The effects could well be called unprecedented, magnificent,
beautiful, stupendous, and terrifying. No man-made phenomenon of such
tremendous power had ever occurred before. The lighting effects
beggared description. The whole country was lighted by a searing
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