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The Peterkin papers by Lucretia P. (Lucretia Peabody) Hale
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importance, and help it on. If the lady from Philadelphia were
away, her family and all her servants would read it, and send it
after her, for answer.

Elizabeth Eliza thought the postal a bright idea. It would not take
so long to write as a letter, and would not be so expensive. But
could they get the whole subject on a postal?

Mr. Peterkin believed there could be no difficulty, there was but
one question:­

Shall the adventures of the Peterkin family be published?

This was decided upon, and there was room for each of the family
to sign, the little boys contenting themselves with rough sketches
of their india-rubber boots.

Mr. Peterkin, Agamemnon, and Solomon John took the postal-card
to the post-office early one morning, and by the afternoon of that
very day, and all the next day, and for many days, came streaming
in answers on postals and on letters. Their card had been
addressed to the lady from Philadelphia, with the number of her
street. But it must have been read by their neighbors in their own
town post-office before leaving; it must have been read along its
way: for by each mail came piles of postals and letters from town
after town, in answer to the question, and all in the same tone:
"Yes, yes; publish the adventures of the Peterkin family."

"Publish them, of course."

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