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The Last Chronicle of Barset by Anthony Trollope
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The Last Chronicle of Barset
Anthony Trollope


I How Did He Get It?
II By Heavens, He Had Better Not!
III The Archdeacon's Threat
IV The Clergyman's House at Hogglestock
V What the World Thought about it
VI Grace Crawley
VII Miss Prettyman's Private Room
VIII Mr Crawley is Taken to Silverbridge
IX Grace Crawley Goes to Allington
X Dinner at Framley Court
XI The Bishop Sends his Inhibition
XII Mr Crawley Seeks for Sympathy
XIII The Bishop's Angel
XIV Major Grantly Consults a Friend
XV Up in London
XVI Down in Allington
XVII Mr Crawley is Summoned to Barchester
XVIII The Bishop of Barchester is Crushed
XIX Where Did it Come From?
XX What Mr Walker Thought about it
XXI Mr Robarts on his Embassy
XXII Major Grantly at Home
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