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The Land of the Changing Sun by Will N. (William Nathaniel) Harben
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"I don't know;" Johnston answered, "getting nearer to the earth,
for we can breathe more easily. I can't remember much after the
professor fell from the car. My God, old man! I shall never
forget the horror in the poor fellow's eyes as he clung to the
rope down there and begged us to save him. I tried to get you to
look, but you were dozing off. I attempted to draw him up, but
the rope on the edge of the basket was tipping it, and both you
and I came near following him. I tried to keep from seeing his
horrible face as the rope began to slip through his fingers. I
knew the instant he let go by our shooting upward."

"I came to myself and looked over when the basket tipped,"
replied the Englishman, "I thought I was going too, but I could
not stir a muscle to prevent it. He said something desperately,
but the wind blew it away and covered his face with his beard,
so that I could not see the movement of his lips."

"It may have been some instructions to us about the management
of the balloon."

"I think not--perhaps a good-bye, or a message to his wife and
child. Poor fellow!"

"How long have we been out of our heads?" and Johnston looked
over the side of the car.

"I have not the slightest idea. Days and nights may have passed
since he fell."

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