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The Golden Slipper : and other problems for Violet Strange by Anna Katharine Green
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and when I ask for the facts, I find that women and only women
are involved, and that these women are not only young but one
and all of the highest society. Is it a man's work to go to the
bottom of a combination like this? No. Sex against sex, and, if
possible, youth against youth. Happily, I know such a person--a
girl of gifts and extraordinarily well placed for the purpose.
Why she uses her talents in this direction--why, with means
enough to play the part natural to her as a successful
debutante, she consents to occupy herself with social and other
mysteries, you must ask her, not me. Enough that I promise you
her aid if you want it. That is, if you can interest her. She
will not work otherwise."

Mr. Driscoll again raised his opera glass.

"But it's a comedy face," he commented. "It's hard to associate
intellectuality with such quaintness of expression. Are you sure
of her discretion?"

"Whom is she with?"

"Abner Pratt, his wife, and daughters."

"Is he a man to entrust his affairs unadvisedly?"

"Abner Pratt! Do you mean to say that she is anything more to
him than his daughters' guest?"

"Judge. You see how merry they are. They were in deep trouble
yesterday. You are witness to a celebration."
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