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Ten Days That Shook the World by John Reed
page 2 of 527 (00%)
Others reveal that Eisenstein made a film of "Ten Days". Stalin, who is
not mentioned in the book, suppressed the work. Louise Bryant,
mentioned in the text, was married to John Reed, and after his death
married William Bullitt in 1923 (divorced 1930) and died in Paris in
1936 at age 41. Mr. Bullitt was the first ambassador to Russia in the
Roosevelt administration, and later to France. Harvard University
accepted a commissioned portrait of Reed in 1935 from a group of his
classmates and hung it in Adams House, site of the boarding house where
Reed lived at Harvard. ]

Ten Days That Shook the World

by John Reed

Table of Contents


Notes and Explanations.

Chapter 1. Background.

Chapter 2. The Coming Storm.

Chapter 3. On the Eve.

Chapter 4. The Fall of the Provisional Government.

Chapter 5. Plunging Ahead.

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