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The Lady of the Shroud by Bram Stoker
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by Bram Stoker


A strange story comes from the Adriatic. It appears that on the
night of the 9th, as the Italia Steamship Company's vessel
"Victorine" was passing a little before midnight the point known as
"the Spear of Ivan," on the coast of the Blue Mountains, the
attention of the Captain, then on the bridge, was called by the look-
out man to a tiny floating light close inshore. It is the custom of
some South-going ships to run close to the Spear of Ivan in fine
weather, as the water is deep, and there is no settled current; also
there are no outlying rocks. Indeed, some years ago the local
steamers had become accustomed to hug the shore here so closely that
an intimation was sent from Lloyd's that any mischance under the
circumstances would not be included in ordinary sea risks. Captain
Mirolani is one of those who insist on a wholesome distance from the
promontory being kept; but on his attention having been called to the
circumstance reported, he thought it well to investigate it, as it
might be some case of personal distress. Accordingly, he had the
engines slowed down, and edged cautiously in towards shore. He was
joined on the bridge by two of his officers, Signori Falamano and
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