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The Complete Works of Artemus Ward — Part 2: War by Artemus Ward
page 2 of 71 (02%)
2.9. Touching Letter from a Gory Member Of The Home Guard

2.10. In Canada.

2.11. The Noble Red Man.

2.12. Artemus Ward in Richmond.

2.13. Artemus Ward to the Prince of Wales.



You hav perhaps wondered wharebouts I was for these many dase
gone and past. Perchans you sposed I'd gone to the Tomb of
the Cappylets, tho I don't know what those is. It's a popler
noospaper frase.

Listen to my tail, and be silent that ye may here I've been
among the Seseshers, a earnin my daily peck by my legitimit
perfeshun, and havn't had no time to weeld my facile quill for
"the Grate Komick paper," if you'll allow me to kote from your
troothful advertisement.

My success was skaly, and I likewise had a narrer scape of my
life. If what I've bin threw is "Suthren hosspitality," 'bout
which we've hearn so much, then I feel bound to obsarve that
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