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The Machine by Upton Sinclair
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JACK. A woman?

JULIA. A girl, yes. And she's coming right along, Jack. You must take
a little trouble with her, for if we can only bring her through, she
can do a lot for us. She's got no end of money.

JACK. No relative of Jim Hegan, I hope?

JULIA. She's his daughter.

JACK. [With a bound.] What!

JULIA. His only daughter.

JACK. Good God, Julia!

JULIA. What's the matter?

JACK. You know I don't want to meet people like that.

JULIA. Why not?

JACK. I don't care to mix with them. I've nothing to say to them.

JULIA. My dear Jack, the girl can't help her father.

JACK. I know that, and I'm sorry for her. But, meantime, I've got my
work to do . . .

JULIA. You couldn't be doing any better work than this. If we can make
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