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The Ward of King Canute; a romance of the Danish conquest by Ottilie A. (Ottilia Adelina) Liljencrantz
page 4 of 308 (01%)

XXV. The King's Wife

XXVI. In the Judgment Hall

XXVII. Pixie-Led

XXVIII. When Love meets Love

XXIX. The Ring of the Coiled Snake

XXX. When the King takes a Queen

XXXI. The Twilight of the Gods

XXXII. In Time's Morning

The Ward of King Canute


There is an old myth of a hero who renewed his strength each time he touched
the earth, and finally was overcome by being raised in the air and crushed.
Whether or not the Angles risked a like fate as they raised themselves away
from the primitive virtues that had been their life and strength, no one can
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