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The Duke's Children by Anthony Trollope
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by Anthony Trollope


1 When the Duchess was Dead
2 Lady Mary Palliser
3 Francis Oliphant Tregear
4 It is Impossible
5 Major Tifto
6 Conservative Convictions
8 He is a Gentleman
9 'In Media Res'
10 Why not like Romeo if I Feel like Romeo?
11 Cruel
12 At Richmond
13 The Duke's Injustice
14 The New Member for Silverbridge
15 The Duke Receives a Letter,--and Writes One
16 Poor Boy
17 The Derby
18 One of the Results of the Derby
19 'No; My Lord, I Do Not'
20 Then He will Come Again
21 Sir Timothy Beeswax
22 The Duke in his Study
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