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Wolfville Days by Alfred Henry Lewis
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high regyard by Old Alan Enright, Doc Peets, Jack Moore, Boggs,
Tutt, Cherokee Hall, Faro Nell, and other molders of local opinion,
an' sort o' trails in next after Enright an' Peets in public esteem.
The Colonel is shore listened to an' heeded at sech epocks as
Wolfville sets down serious to think.

"Them printers of the Colonel's stampedes themse'fs jest followin'
the latter's misonderstandin' with Huggins, who conducts the Bird
Cage Op'ry House, an' who as I've allers maintained, incites them
mechanics, private, to rebellion, as a scheme of revenge on the
Colonel. The trouble which bears its final froote in this labor
uprisin' is like this. Huggins, as noted, holds down the Bird Cage
Op'ry House as manager, an' when lie's drunk--which, seein' that
Huggins is a bigger sot than Old Monte, is right along he allows
he's a 'Impressario.' Mebby you saveys 'Impressario,' an'
experiences no difficulty with the same as a term, but Boggs an'
Tutt goes to the fringe of a gun play dispootin' about its meanin'
the time Huggins plays it on the camp first as deescriptif of his

"'A Impressario is a fiddler,' says Boggs; `I cuts the trail of one
in the States once, ropes him up, an' we has a shore enough time.'

"'Sech observations,' observes Tutt, to whom Boggs vouchsafes this
information, 'sech observations make me tired. They displays the
onlimited ability for ignorance of the hooman mind. Boggs, I don't
want to be deemed insultin', but you-all oughter go to night-school
some'ers ontil you learns the roodiments of the American language."

"When this yore colloquy ensooes, I'm away on the spring round-up,
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