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Aaron Trow by Anthony Trollope
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the prison. It is hardly necessary to say that the attempt failed.
Such attempts always fail. It failed on this occasion signally, and
Trow, with two other men, were condemned to be scourged terribly,
and then kept in solitary confinement for some lengthened term of
months. Before, however, the day of scourging came, Trow and his
two associates had escaped.

I have not the space to tell how this was effected, nor the power to
describe the manner. They did escape from the establishment into
the islands, and though two of them were taken after a single day's
run at liberty, Aaron Trow had not been yet retaken even when a week
was over. When a month was over he had not been retaken, and the
officers of the prison began to say that he had got away from them
in a vessel to the States. It was impossible, they said, that he
should have remained in the islands and not been discovered. It was
not impossible that he might have destroyed himself, leaving his
body where it had not yet been found. But he could not have lived
on in Bermuda during that month's search. So, at least, said the
officers of the prison. There was, however, a report through the
islands that he had been seen from time to time; that he had gotten
bread from the negroes at night, threatening them with death if they
told of his whereabouts; and that all the clothes of the mate of a
vessel had been stolen while the man was bathing, including a suit
of dark blue cloth, in which suit of clothes, or in one of such a
nature, a stranger had been seen skulking about the rocks near St.
George. All this the governor of the prison affected to disbelieve,
but the opinion was becoming very rife in the islands that Aaron
Trow was still there.

A vigilant search, however, is a task of great labour, and cannot be
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