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Sowing Seeds in Danny by Nellie L. McClung
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SAMUEL MOTHERWELL--a well off but very stingy farmer.

MRS. MOTHERWELL--his wife.

TOM MOTHERWELL--their son.

ARTHUR WEMYSS--a young Englishman who is trying to learn to farm.

JIM RUSSELL--an ambitious young farmer who lives near the Motherwells.

JAMES DUCKER--a retired farmer, who has political aspirations.


I. Sowing Seeds in Danny
II. The Old Doctor
III. The Pink Lady
IV. The Band of Hope
V. The Relict of the Late McGuire
VI. The Musical Sense
VII. "One of Manitoba's Prosperous Farmers"
VIII. The Other Doctor
IX. The Live Wire
X. The Butcher Ride
XI. How Pearl Watson Wiped out the Stain
XII. From Camilla's Diary
XIII. The Fifth Son
XIV. The Faith that Moveth Mountains
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