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Tales of Men and Ghosts by Edith Wharton
page 2 of 378 (00%)
VII _The Eyes_
VIII _The Blond Beast_
IX _Afterward_
X _The Letters_



HUBERT GRANICE, pacing the length of his pleasant lamp-lit library,
paused to compare his watch with the clock on the chimney-piece.

Three minutes to eight.

In exactly three minutes Mr. Peter Ascham, of the eminent legal firm
of Ascham and Pettilow, would have his punctual hand on the
door-bell of the flat. It was a comfort to reflect that Ascham was
so punctual--the suspense was beginning to make his host nervous.
And the sound of the door-bell would be the beginning of the
end--after that there'd be no going back, by God--no going back!

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