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The Cell of Self-Knowledge : seven early English mystical treatises printed by Henry Pepwell in 1521 by Henry Pepwell
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The Cell of Self-Knowledge:

Seven Early English Mystical Treatises

Printed by Henry Pepwell


Edited with an introduction and notes by

Edmund G. Gardner M.A.


The Frontispiece is taken from B.M. MS. Faustina, B. VI.

"Stiamo nella cella del cognoscimento di noi; cognoscendo, noi per
noi non essere, e la bonta di Dio in noi; ricognoscendo l'essere, e
ogni grazia che e posta sopra l'essere, da lui."--St. Catherine of

"Tergat ergo speculum suum, mundet spiritum suum, quisquis sitit
videre Deum suum. Exterso autem speculo et diu diligenter inspecto,
incipit ei quaedam divini luminis claritas interlucere, et immensus
quidam insolitae visionis radius oculis ejus apparere. Hoc lumen
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