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The Magic Pudding - Being the Adventures of Bunyip Bluegum and His Friends Bill Barnacle & Sam Sawno by Norman Lindsay
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are. In fact, these very whiskers were the chief cause of
Bunyip's leaving home to see the world, for, as he often said to

"Whiskers alone are bad enough
Attached to faces coarse and rough
But how much greater their offence is
When stuck on Uncles' countenances."

The plain truth was that Bunyip and his Uncle lived in a small
house in a tree, and there was no room for the whiskers. What was
worse, the whiskers were red, and they blew about in the wind, and
Uncle Wattleberry would insist on bringing them to the dinner
table with him, where they got in the soup.

Bunyip Bluegum was a tidy bear, and he objected to whisker soup,
so he was forced to eat his meals outside, which was awkward, and
besides, lizards came and borrowed his soup.

His Uncle refused to listen to reason on the subject of his
whiskers. It was quite useless giving him hints, such as presents
of razors, and scissors, and boxes of matches to burn them off.
On such occasions he would remark--

"Shaving may add an air that's somewhat brisker,
For dignity, commend me to the whisker."

Or, when more deeply moved, he would exclaim--

"As noble thoughts the inward being grace,
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