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A Knight of the White Cross : a tale of the siege of Rhodes by G. A. (George Alfred) Henty
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as in past times he has done you evil. 'Tis certain that his coming
here shows he is in earnest, for his presence, -- which is sure
sooner or later to come to the ears of the Usurper, -- will cause
him to fall into the deepest disgrace."

"And yet it seemed," the queen said, "that by marrying his daughter
to Clarence he had bound himself more firmly than ever to the side
of York."

"Ay, madam," the knight said. "But Clarence himself is said to be
alike unprincipled and ambitious, and it may well be that Warwick
intended to set him up against Edward; had he not done so, such an
alliance would not necessarily strengthen his position at Court."

"Methinks your supposition is the true one, Sir Thomas," the queen
said. "Edward cares not sufficiently for his brother to bestow
much favour upon the father of the prince's wife. Thus, he would
gain but little by the marriage unless he were to place Clarence
on the throne. Then he would again become the real ruler of England,
as he was until Edward married Elizabeth Woodville, and the House
of Rivers rose to the first place in the royal favour, and eclipsed
the Star of Warwick. It is no wonder the proud Earl chafes under
the ingratitude of the man who owes his throne to him, and that he
is ready to dare everything so that he can but prove to him that
he is not to be slighted with impunity. But why come to me, when
he has Clarence as his puppet?"

"He may have convinced himself, madam, that Clarence is even less
to be trusted than Edward, or he may perceive that but few of the
Yorkists would follow him were he to declare against the Usurper,
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