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The Natural History of Wiltshire by John Aubrey
page 3 of 268 (01%)
projected "History of Castle Combe,"

I am,

My dear Sir,

Yours very truly,


Burton Street, London.
1st September, 1847.


IN the "Memoir of John Aubrey", published by the Wiltshire
Topographical Society in 1845, I expressed a wish that the "NATURAL
HISTORY of WILTSHIRE", the most important of that author's unpublished
manuscripts, might be printed by the Society, as a companion volume to that
Memoir, which it is especially calculated to illustrate.

The work referred to had been then suggested to the Council of the
Society by George Poulett Scrope, Esq. M.P., as desirable for
publication. They concurred with him in that opinion; and shortly
afterwards, through the kind intervention of the Marquess of
Northampton, an application was made to the Council of the Royal
Society for permission to have a transcript made for publication from
the copy of the " Natural History of Wiltshire" in their possession.
The required permission was readily accorded; and had not the printing
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