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The Rover Boys in Business - Or, The search for the missing bonds by Edward Stratemeyer
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brother, Sam, are at Brill College. The particulars are given of a
great baseball game; and then Tom and Sam return home, to he startled
by a most unusual message from Dick, calling them to New York
immediately. Some bonds of great value have mysteriously disappeared,
and unless these are recovered the Rover fortune may be seriously
impaired. What the boys did under these circumstances, I will leave
the pages which follow to disclose.

Once more thanking my host of young readers for the interest they have
taken in my books, I remain,

Affectionately and sincerely yours,

Arthur M. Winfield.




No answer.

"I say, Sam, can't you listen for just a moment?"

"Oh, Tom, please don't bother me now!" and Sam Rover, with a look of
worry on his face, glanced up for a moment from his writing-table.
"I've got to finish this theme before to-morrow morning."

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