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The Rover Boys in New York - Or, Saving their father's honor by Edward Stratemeyer
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Up to this writing, the sale on this line of books is but a trifle
short of one million and a quarter copies! This is to me, of course,
tremendously gratifying. Again, as in the past, I thank my many
readers for their interest in what I have written for them; and I
trust the perusal of my works will do them good.

Affectionately and sincerely yours,

Arthur M. Winfield.



"Boys, what do you say to a trip in the Dartaway this afternoon?"

"Suits me, Sam," replied Tom Rover.

"Providing the breeze doesn't get too strong," returned Dick Rover, as
he put up his hand to feel the air.

"Oh, I don't think it will blow too much," went on Sam Rover. "I don't
mind some air."

"But no more storms for me!" cried his brother Tom, with a shake of
his head. "That last old corker was enough for me."

"Where shall we go?" questioned Dick, with a queer little smile
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