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The Real Diary of a Real Boy by Henry A. (Henry Augustus) Shute
page 2 of 89 (02%)

4. More fish-hooks of the ring variety, now obsolete.

5. One blood alley, two chinees, a parti-colored glass agate,
three pewees, and unnumbered drab-colored marbles.

6. Small bow of whalebone, with two arrows.

7. Six-inch bean-blower, for school use--a weapon of considerable
range and great precision when used with judgment behind a
Guyot's Common School Geography.

8. Unexpended ammunition for same, consisting of putty pellets.

9. Frog's hind leg, extra dry.

10. Wing of bluejay, very ditto.

11. Letter from "Beany," postmarked "Biddeford, Me." and expressing
great indignation because "Pewt" "hasent wrote."

12. Copy-book inscribed "Diry."

The examination of this copy-book lasted the rest of the day, and it
was read with the peculiar pleasure one experiences in reviewing
some of the events of a happy boyhood.

With the earnest hope that others may experience a little of the
pleasure I gained from the reading, I submit the "Diry" to the
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