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Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume 1 - From San Francisco to Teheran by Thomas Stevens
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Around the World on a Bicycle
Volume I.
From San Francisco to Teheran

By Thomas Stevens

Ray Schumacher

Scanner's Notes:
This was scanned from an original edition, copyright 1887,
547 pages. It is as close as I could come in ASCII to the printed text.
Scanning time: 15 hours
OCR time: 20+ hours
Proof #1: 25 hours
Proof #2: ? (A slow reading by a friend)

The numerous italics have been unfortunately omitted, and the
conjoined '‘' have been changed to 'ae'; as well as others, similarly.
I have left the spelling, punctuation, capitalization as close as
possible to the printed text, including that of titles and headings. The
issue of end-of-line hyphenation was difficult, as normal usage in the
1880's often hyphenated words which have since been concatenated.

Stevens also used phonetic spelling and italics for much of the unfamiliar
language or dialects that he heard; a great deal of foreign words and
phrases are also included and always italicized. A word which might seem
mis-spelled, such as 'yaort', was originally in italics and was the 1886
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