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Joshua — Volume 5 by Georg Ebers
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The storm had delayed the march and, after the last cloud-burst, several
convicts and guards had been attacked by fever owing to their wet night-
quarters in the open air. The Egyptian asses, too, who were unused to
rain, had suffered and some of the best had been left on the road.

Finally they had been obliged to bury two dead prisoners, and place three
who were dangerously ill on the remaining asses; and the other prisoners
were laden with the stores hitherto carried by the beasts of burden.
This was the first time such a thing had happened during the leader's
service of five and twenty years, and he expected severe reproofs.

All these things exerted a baneful influence on the disposition of the
man, who was usually reputed one of the kindest-hearted of his companions
in office; and Joshua, the accomplice of the bold lad whose flight was
associated with the other vexations, suffered most sorely from his ill-

Perhaps the irritated man would have dealt more gently with him, had he
complained like the man behind him, or burst into fierce oaths like his
yoke-mate, who made threatening allusions to the future when his sister-
in-law would be in high favor with Pharaoh and know how to repay those
who ill-treated her dear relative.

But Hosea had resolved to bear whatever the rude fellow and his mates
chose to inflict with the same equanimity that he endured the scorching
sun which, ever since he had served in the army, had tortured him during
many a march through the desert, and his steadfast, manly character
helped him keep this determination.

If the captain of the gang loaded him with extra heavy burdens, he
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