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Cappy Ricks by Peter B. (Peter Bernard) Kyne
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eleven days. The clipper ship is gone but the skipper remains, an
undefeated champion.

Captain William P. Cantey,
of San Francisco, California,

Sometime mate of the brig Galilee, who, with his naked hands,
convinced in thirty-five minutes nine larger men than himself of the
incontrovertible fact that you cannot keep a good man down.


As exemplified in the persons of my good friends,

John H. Rossiter,
Manager of W. R. Grace & Co.,
of San Francisco.

Edwin A. Christenson,
President of the Sudden & Christenson S.S. Line,
of San Francisco.

John R. Hanify,
President of the John R. Hanify Company,
of San Francisco.

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