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A Garland for Girls by Louisa May Alcott
page 4 of 253 (01%)
"But we might help if we really tried, I suppose; you know how much
Happy Dodd did when she once began, and she was only a poor little
girl without half the means of doing good which we have," said Anna,
glad to discuss the matter, for she had a little plan in her head
and wanted to prepare a way for proposing it.

"Yes, I'm always saying that I have more than my share of fun and
comfort and pretty things, and that I ought and will share them with
some one. But I don't do it; and now and then, when I hear about
real poverty, or dreadful sickness, I feel so wicked it quite upsets
me. If I knew HOW to begin, I really would. But dirty little
children don't come in my way, nor tipsy women to be reformed, nor
nice lame girls to sing and pray with, as it all happens in books,"
cried Marion Warren, with such a remorseful expression on her merry
round face that her mates laughed with one accord.

"I know something that I COULD do if I only had the courage to begin
it. But Papa would shake his head unbelievingly, and Mamma worry
about its being proper, and it would interfere with my music, and
everything nice that I especially wanted to go to would be sure
to come on whatever day I set for my good work, and I should get
discouraged or ashamed, and not half do it, so I don't begin, but I
know I ought." And Elizabeth Alden rolled her large eyes from one
friend to another, as if appealing to them to goad her to this duty
by counsel and encouragement of some sort.

"Well, I suppose it's right, but I do perfectly hate to go poking
round among poor folks, smelling bad smells, seeing dreadful sights,
hearing woful tales, and running the risk of catching fever, and
diphtheria, and horrid things. I don't pretend to like charity, but
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