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The Little Lady of Lagunitas - A Franco-Californian Romance by Richard Savage
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been evolved from this golden eddy of crime and adventure.

Not till all these men and women of incredibly romantic fortunes
have passed away, will a firm social structure rise over their

Throttled by usurers, torn by gigantic bank wars, its resources
drained by colossal swindles, crouching yet under the iron rule
of upstart land-barons, "dashing journalism," and stern railroad
autocrats, the Californian community has gloomily struggled along.

Newer States have made a relative progress which shames California.
Its future is yet uncertain.

The native sons and daughters of the golden West are the hope of
the Pacific.

The homemakers may yet win the victory.

Some of the remarkable scenes of the past are herein portrayed by
one who has seen this game of life played in earnest, the shadowed
drama of California.

There is no attempt to refer to individuals, save as members of
well-defined classes, in these pages. This book has absolutely no
political bias.


NEW YORK CITY, May 15, 1892.
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