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The Pony Rider Boys in the Ozarks - Or, the Secret of Ruby Mountain by Frank Gee Patchin
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The Pony Rider Boys in the Ozarks

By Frank Gee Patchin



"Boys! B-o-y-s!"

There was no response to the imperative summons.

Professor Zepplin sat up in his cot, listening intently. Something
had awakened him suddenly, but just what he was unable to decide.

"Be quiet over there, young men," he admonished, adding in a lower
tone, "I'm sure I heard some one moving about."

The camp of the Pony Rider Boys lay wrapped in darkness, the camp-fire
having long since died out. Not a sound disturbed the stillness of
the night save the soft murmurings of the foliage, stirred in a gentle
breeze that was drifting in from the southwest.

The Professor climbed from his cot, and, without waiting to draw on
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