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Biographia Literaria by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
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by Samuel Taylor Coleridge



I Motives to the present work--Reception of the Author's first
publication--Discipline of his taste at school--Effect of
contemporary writers on youthful minds--Bowles's Sonnets-
Comparison between the poets before and since

II Supposed irritability of genius brought to the test of
facts--Causes and occasions of the charge--Its injustice

III The Author's obligations to Critics, and the probable
occasion--Principles of modern criticism--Mr. Southey's
works and character

IV The Lyrical Ballads with the Preface--Mr. Wordsworth's
earlier poems--On Fancy and Imagination--The investigation
of the distinction important to the Fine Arts

V On the law of Association--Its history traced from Aristotle
to Hartley

VI That Hartley's system, as far as it differs from that of
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