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The Boy Allies with Haig in Flanders - Or, the Fighting Canadians of Vimy Ridge by Clair W. (Clair Wallace) Hayes
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On this particular night they advanced toward tile German lines soon
after an audience with General John J. Pershing, commander-in-chief of
the American expeditionary forces . In one hand Chester carried a
little hardwood box, to which were attached coils of wire. In the
other hand the lad held a revolver. Hal, likewise, carried his
automatic in his hand. Each was determined to give a good account of
himself should his presence be discovered.

It was unusually quiet along the front this night. It was too dark for
opposing "snipers" -- sharpshooters -- to get in their work, and the
voices of the big guns, which, almost incessantly for the last few
weeks, had hurled shells across the intervening distance between the
two lines of trenches, were stilled.

Hal pressed close to Chester.

"Rather creepy out here," he said.

"Right," returned Chester in a whisper. "I've the same feeling
myself. It forebodes, trouble, this silence, to my way of thinking.
The Huns are probably hatching up some devilment."

"Well, we may be able to get the drift of it, with that thing you have
under your arm," was the other's reply.

"Sh-h!" was Chester's reply, and he added: "We're getting pretty

They continued their way without further words.

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