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Tales of the Road by Charles N. (Charles Newman) Crewdson
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VII First experiences in selling
VIII Tactics in selling--I
IX Tactics in selling--II
X Tactics in selling--III
XI Cutting prices
XII Canceled orders
XIII Concerning credit men
XIV Winning the customer's good will
XV Salesmen's don'ts
XVI Merchants the salesman meets
XVII Hiring and handling salesmen
XVIII Hearts behind the order book


He is the steam--and a big part of the engine too--that makes business

Larry let business drop entirely and danced a jig

"Whenever I let go the buggy handle the baby yelled"

"Tonight we dance, tomorrow we sell clothes again"
"I listened to episodes in the lives of all those seven children"

"I braced the old man--It wasn't exactly a freeze but there was a lot
of frost in the air"
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