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The Romance and Tragedy by William Ingraham Russell
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misunderstood; to give evidence of the insincerity of friendship
that comes to one in prosperity only to vanish in adversity; and
also, in the hope that an appreciative public will buy the book.

Not all the names used are fictitious, and where they are so, no
effort has been made to conceal identity.

No spirit of malice has animated the writer. Although his wounds
have been deep he knows now no feeling save sorrow and regret that
they should have been inflicted by his "_friends_"


February 1, 1905.


This narrative, first published in an author's autograph edition,
limited to one thousand copies, was privately circulated, the entire
edition having been sold by the author through correspondence.

A second edition is now offered to the public. The original narrative,
except for the correction of a few minor errors, is unchanged, and
added to it are two chapters disclosing a remarkable sequel and
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