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The Violet Fairy Book by Andrew Lang
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clay, three or four thousand years before our time.

Of the stories in this book, Miss Blackley translated 'Dwarf Long
Nose,' 'The Wonderful Beggars,' 'The Lute Player,' 'Two in a
Sack,' and 'The Fish that swam in the Air.' Mr. W. A. Craigie
translated from the Scandinavian, 'Jasper who herded the Hares.'
Mrs. Lang did the rest.

Some of the most interesting are from the Roumanion, and three
were previously published in the late Dr. Steere's 'Swahili
Tales.' By the permission of his representatives these three
African stories have here been abridged and simplified for

A Tale of the Tontlawald
The finest Liar in the World
The Story of three Wonderful Beggars
The Three Princes and their Beasts
The Goat's Ears of the Emperor Trojan
The Nine Pea-hens and the Golden Apples
The Lute Player
The Grateful Prince
The Child who came from an Egg
Stan Bolovan
The Two Frogs
The Story of a Gazelle
How a Fish swam in the Air and a Hare in the Water
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