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The Splendid Spur by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
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only other that gets so cordial a "God bless him!" in the long
winter evenings.

To win such a welcome at such a time from a new friend or two would
be the happiest fortune for my tale. But to you I could wish it to
speak particularly, seeing that under the coat of_ JACK MARVEL
_beats the heart of your friend_


_Torquay, August 22d_, 1889.



A year or two ago it was observed that three writers were using the
curiously popular signature "Q." This was hardly less confusing than
that one writer should use three signatures (Grant Allen, Arbuthnot
Wilson, and Anon), but as none of the three was willing to try
another letter, they had to leave it to the public (whose decision
in such matters is final) to say who is Q to it. The public said,
Let him wear this proud letter who can win it, and for the present
at least it is in the possession of the author of "The Splendid
Spur" and "The Blue Pavilions." It would seem, too, as if it were
his "to keep," for "Q" is like the competition cups that are only
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