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An Introduction to the mortuary customs of the North American Indians by H. C. (Harry Crécy) Yarrow
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The following are in course of preparation and will soon appear.

Introduction to the Study of Medicine Practices among the North
American Indians

Introduction to the Study of Mythology among the North American

Introduction to the Study of Sociology among the North American

The mortuary customs of savage or barbaric people have a deep
significance from the fact that in them are revealed much of the
philosophy of the people by whom they are practiced. Early beliefs
concerning the nature of human existence in life and after death and
the relations of the living to the dead are recorded in these customs.
The mystery concerning the future love for the departed who were loved
while here, reverence for the wise and good who may after death be
wiser and better, hatred and fear of those who were enemies here and
may have added powers of enmity in the hereafter--all these and like
considerations have led in every tribe to a body of customs of
exceeding interest as revealing the opinions, the philosophy of the
people themselves.

In these customs, also are recorded evidences of the social condition
of the people, the affection in which friends and kindred are held,
the very beginnings of altruism in primitive life.

In like manner these customs constitute a record of the moral
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