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The Queen Pedauque by Anatole France
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VIII. The Library and its Contents

IX. At Work on Zosimus the Panopolitan--I visit my Home and hear
Gossip about M. d'Asterac

X. I see Catherine with Friar Ange and reflect--The Liking of
Nymphs for Satyrs--An Alarm of Fire--M. d'Asterac in his Laboratory

XI. The Advent of Spring and its Effects--We visit Mosaide

XII. I take a Walk and meet Mademoiselle Catherine

XIII. Taken by M. d'Asterac to the Isle of Swans I listen to his
Discourse on Creation and Salamanders

XIV. Visit to Mademoiselle Catherine--The Row in the Street and
my Dismissal

XV. In the Library with M. Jerome Coignard--A Conversation on
Morals--Taken to M. d'Asterac's Study-Salamanders again--
The Solar Powder--A Visit and its Consequences

XVI. Jahel comes to my Room--What the Abbe saw on the Stairs--His
Encounter with Mosaide

XVII. Outside Mademoiselle Catherine's House--We are invited in by
M. d'Anquetil--The Supper--The Visit of the Owner and the
horrible Consequences

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