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Serious Hours of a Young Lady by Charles Sainte-Foi
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most delicate terms.

Hence, judging from its intrinsic worth, and the universal welcome
with which it has been hailed in the original, we feel that it is no
exaggeration to assert that it has rendered and will still render
inestimable good to society.

After having lucidly exposed the importance of woman's mission in
this world, and pointed out the evils that prevent its realization,
the author ingeniously brings before the mind's eye the different
phases of her life, the varied process of development that she
undergoes in all her faculties, the dangerous influences to which she
is constantly exposed, the means that should be employed to ensure
her protection.

We behold her on the threshold of childhood a tiny, timid and
retiring creature, naturally disposed to attach her affections to all
that is pure and elevated, to everything that conduces to the
practice of virtue and the love of God. While yet a child she is the
little confidante and angel of consolation of her brothers and
sisters in their pains and difficulties. At a more advanced age we
see her consoling her aged parents in their sorrows and afflictions;
and when she merges into womanhood she becomes either the spouse of
Jesus Christ or of man, only to continue the same work of beneficence
in some charitable asylum, or in the midst of domestic cares. But ere
she attains this last stage of life how numerous and great are the
difficulties that she must encounter, the dangers to which she will
be exposed, and the snares to entrap her!

Hence, to ensure her safety and prepare her to act the important
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