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The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom — Volume 02 by Tobias George Smollett
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Passions of his Friend, and effects one half of his Aim
XLVII The Art of Borrowing further explained, and an Account of a
Strange Phenomenon
XLVIII Count Fathom unmasks his Battery; is repulsed; and varies his
Operations without effect
XLIX Monimia's Honour is protected by the Interposition of Heaven
L Fathom shifts the Scene, and appears in a new Character
LI Triumphs over a Medical Rival
LII Repairs to the Metropolis, and enrols himself among the
Sons of Paean
LIII Acquires Employment in consequence of a lucky Miscarriage
LIV His Eclipse, and gradual Declination
LV After divers unsuccessful Efforts, he has recourse to the
Matrimonial Noose
LVI In which his Fortune is effectually strangled
LVII Fathom being safely housed, the Reader is entertained with
a Retrospect
LVIII Renaldo abridges the Proceedings at Law, and approves himself
the Son of his Father
LIX He is the Messenger of Happiness to his Sister, who removes
the film which had long obstructed his Penetration, with
regard to Count Fathom
LX He recompenses the Attachment of his Friend; and receives
a Letter that reduces him to the Verge of Death and
LXI Renaldo meets with a living Monument of Justice, and
encounters a Personage of some Note in these Memoirs
LXII His Return to England, and Midnight Pilgrimage to Monimia's
LXIII He renews the Rites of Sorrow, and is entranced
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