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The Poetical Works of Mrs. Leprohon by Mrs. (Rosanna Eleanor) Leprohon
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(Miss R. E. Mullins)


When, in after ages, the literature of Canada comes to be written,
it is to be hoped that among the mighty sons and daughters of
genius now unknown, or as yet unborn, some room will be kept for
the brave and loving pioneers who "gave the people of their best,"
and sang the songs of duty and patriotism and hope, ere life in
our young land had ceased to be a struggle. With the growth of
wealth and the spread of prosperity, will come leisure for more
than material interests; and thus, in course of time, the author
who has something to say will find an audience, prepared by
culture and not too busy to listen to it. And, as supply is
generally commensurate with demand, there will then be a literary
class of corresponding merit. At least, something like this has
been the rule in the progress of nations. But if those who come
after, thus favored by circumstances, surpass their predecessors
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