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Paula the Waldensian by Eva Lecomte
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And so good-bye, dear young reader! I must not keep you any longer, for I
am sure you have a great desire to know about Paula; and anyway, I suppose
you will have done what I would have done at your age, namely, read the
story first, and left my poor preface to the last--for which I have already
pardoned you!

And now, may God bless you, Paula dear, as you walk among these my young
friends who read about you! My prayer is that you may shed over them the
same sweet ray of celestial light that you have already shed over others.


Villar-Pellice, France.

Translator's note:

"Paula" was originally written in French and translated from thence into
Spanish; and the present translator having discovered this literary and
spiritual jewel, felt that it should be given also to the young people of
the English-speaking world, not only that they might know Paula herself,
but that, through her, they might become more intimately acquainted with
Paula's Saviour and accept Him as their own Redeemer and Lord.


Coihueco, Chile, South America, 1940.

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