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The Yosemite by John Muir
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The Yosemite

by John Muir

Affectionately dedicated to my friend,
Robert Underwood Johnson,
faithful lover and defender of our glorious forests
and originator of the Yosemite National Park.


On the early history of Yosemite the writer is indebted to Prof. J. D.
Whitney for quotations from his volume entitled "Yosemite Guide-Book,"
and to Dr. Bunnell for extracts from his interesting volume entitled
"Discovery of the Yosemite."


1. The Approach to the Valley
2. Winter Storms and Spring Floods
3. Snow-Storms
4. Snow Banners
5. The Trees of the Valley
6. The Forest Trees in General
7. The Big Trees
8. The Flowers
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